lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

Anxiety Supplement combo

Adressing some of your issues and my experiences:
-licorice root seems to work better than methyl-prednisolone and hydrocortisone
-hairloss = too much DHT, look into a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor or lighten up on the juice dosage. If you go with the 5-alpha reductase inhibitor you may need an aromatase inhibitor as well since you may turn into a woman
-cold feet are a sign of vasoconstriction which CAN be caused by hypothyroidism or hypoadrenia, but most likely it's anxiety/stress. Try a vasodilator like hydergine, should help with motivation too.

Possible Aids:
-Kava - for stress, it seems to be one of the top options, warm feet for the first time in over a year.
-Licorice root and DHEA - seems to be unparalleled if fatigue is an issue.
-hydergine (sublingual) - seems to really help me focus and works well for stress.
-Huperzine - as an NMDA antagonist it may help with your OCD, one of my favorites
-Wellbutrin - May help with motivation, but you may find its only a temporary fix since it seems to make perfectionism worse. It doesn't really seem to help with my root problem.

1 comentario:

  1. have used just about every 'smart drug' on the market. I have tried Aniracetam, Oxiracetam, Piracetam, Hydergine. Also I have tried huperzine A, Ginko, Vinpotocene, Dmae, high-choline Lecethin, Acetyl-L-Carnitin, and tons over other substances. I think I have stumbled over the perfect combination. Piracetam and its other analougs never seemed to do very much for me. Hydergine allways seemed to give me the most noticeable results so I have decided to up my dosage to 9mg a day sublingually.

    My current daily regimin is; 9mg of hydergine sublingually, 1500mg of Acetyl-L-Carnitine, 100mg of dmae, A multivitamin, an extra B-Complex vitamin, 420mg of choline (from soy lecethin), milk thistle for liver, and about 10 cups of green tea. This is the absolute most effective combination i have found for the money. The green tea seems to make hydergine 100X more effective. I am in another world when I take this combonation. I have incredible photographic memory, and it feels like I have transended to another level of conciousness. I really like it and just wanted to share my experiances.

